Zion National Park, Utah

The reverse side of each map provides reference data for each trail including distance, elevation gains, and ecosystems encountered (streams, waterfalls, summits, passes, wildflower timing). Additional information is provided on wildlife, general safety, weather precautions, regulations and permit requirements.


Nearby Cities/Attractions:

Featured Hike: Observation Point

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Featured Hike:

Destination: Observation Point

One-Way Distance: 4 miles
Elevation Gain: 2200′

Difficulty Level: Difficult (more than 2000’ elevation gain and/or 4 miles one-way distance)

Trailhead: Weeping Rock Trailhead (TH)
Elevation at TH: 4350′

Trail Features: Zigzag up to Echo Canyon & slither through the slickrock formations.  Then take on the serious ascent (not necessarily for those who fear heights) to the top of the mesa.  Traverse to the point of endless views.

From this point you will enjoy the views of the Great White Throne, Cable Mountain, Angels Landing and Zion Canyon.